Wednesday, September 29, 2010


me gone random d =p

1st time,stayed back and did experiment until almost 8 =p
lol,this is life of engineering.
where ppl are expected to know math formulas like 123 and use super awesome machines like no1 else can

but of course, being an engineer is way more than just formulas and nerds
there's a secret ingredient - dedication

imagine an engineer working on a project, say work on a F1 car
no dedication, the car will end up like shit
got dedication, the car will kick ass (Brawn GP,still remember?)

anyway,my group, we are currently working on a wind tunnel project where we test sports balls for their drag coefficient and Magnus effect. Thank God we have already finished halfway and no major crap encountered =D

Friday, September 10, 2010

ball is coming.....kinda excited about it to the extent i keep hounding jarrod for advice and tips,sorry bro! =p

but yeah,finding stuff for prom aint easy man
girls say finding dresses heels and doing their hair is crazy

well,im here to announce that i now feel your pain LOL
findin shoes wasnt easy man,my size all sold out or ugly
mum reminded me to pray
prayed went to another shop,thank god found it =D
nice shoe,last pair at 50% - miracles,they happen at times u dont expect =D

on another note, mcshaker fries is addictive la,i cant stop eating it >.<
must stop d, or else get fat =p

Thursday, September 9, 2010

hari raya!

hari raya is coming!woohoo for me cos i get a holiday, badly deserving one =p

it's a time of many people,especially those working in urban areas to balik kampung,go back meet their parents,seek forgiveness,enjoy the food etc.

now, in US however,things are different, they cant celebrate cos of 9/11
but what saddens me is the decision to burn the holy book of the Muslims, the Koran

it was said that on that day, one church will be burning the Koran led by a prominent pastor
now,it saddens me as the Bible teaches to respect everyone irrespective of race and religion i.e. be the salt and light of the world
aren't we as Christians we are supposed to be the ones that is supposed to make a difference?

remember 'love thy neighbour as yourself' as stated in the Bible?
anyway,what these ppl are doing is totally the opposite man!
by burning the Koran,what are you trying to prove?
is this how you,as ambassadors of Christ act?
you want to show God's Love,but i personally do not feel that burning holy books show love man
i sincerely pray that God will show u the right way to solve this conflict =)

To the potential burners, please do not burn holy books,be sensitive of other people also yeah =)
we want to be salt and light,lets show God's Love the right way yeah =)

btw,i wish all Muslims Selamat Hari Raya!